NTOS Bird Conservation Fund
As an organization that appreciates the beauty and value of the birds that breed and migrate through Tennessee, it is fitting that we, the Nashville Chapter of TOS, be actively involved in the conservation of these species. Therefore, the Board of Directors created a conservation fund in 2000. This fund makes a minimum annual donation of $500.00 to bird conservation efforts on a local, National, or International level. The amount of the gift can vary from year to year as revenues permit.
The NTOS Conservation fund is primarily funded by individual contributions and members are encouraged to contribute annually when they renew their club memberships. However, donations are accepted at any time throughout the year. All donations to this fund are tax deductible under the TOS 501(c)3 Federal tax exemptions authorization.
Each year Chapter members are invited to nominate projects and organizations engaged in bird education and conservation. The Board of Directors then review the nominations and select the recipient(s) and amount to be awarded.
Past NTOS Conservation Fund recipients include:
- Gulf Coast Bird Observatory for Hurricane Harvey relief
- Dauphin Island Bird Sanctuaries for land purchase
- Friends of Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge for bus scholarships
- Radnor Lake – annual donation
- Cats Indoors – https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/
- TN Wildlife Federation for Purple Martin project at Symphony
- Bird Window Strike Prevention Project in conjunction with Metro Parks and Shelby Bottoms Nature Center – https://abcbirds.org/glass-collisions/